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If you were referred by a friend, then you probably came looking for one of these flavors. Whether you are an expert Swizzle drinker, just hunting for that "ginger" fix that all Bermudians seem to have, or simply looking for something more adventurous, these four cocktails are our claim to fame.
While many will seek out our more exotic flavors, our Traditional recipe is by far the crown jewel of our brand. We had to do our cultural traditions justice, and this recipe is the perfect ambassador for Bermuda and introduction to 1616 Premium Cocktails.
If you are looking for something new however, Pineapple, Melon & Ginger is the #1 selling recipe, followed closely behind by Pear Passionfruit and then Mango. No matter how you choose to indulge, there is truly something here for everyone, so please enjoy and drink responsibly.
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